Monday 9 September 2013

Marriage Prepatory Course

Wow, it has been a while yes. Plannings took a back seat these couple of months as husband-to-be's (HTB) mum passed away at the end of June. :'( Hence, all talks of wedding planning stopped momentarily. It doesn't seem important at all at that point of time. The only important thing was to be there for HTB.

I've known her for as long as I've known HTB. She was like another mother to me. Was literally there for her during the ups & downs, her health & her sickness, just like how I would with my own mum. Hence her loss was really felt, even though I'm not officially her daughter-in-law yet. Cried buckets when the doctor informed she was gone. Cried even more during her funeral. Continued crying for many days after she was gone. Can't imagine what HTB must have been feeling if I'm already in that kind of state. :(

It has been a few months now, and alhamdulillah HTB is feeling much better. Still sad on some days, of course. But he knows God heard his prayers and will send all his duas to his mum, insyaAllah. So he's good. :)

Anywayssss, the thing that I really wanna talk about is the marriage prep course that both of us went to the past couple of days with Suchi Success (digressed as usual at the start of entry). Heard lots of rave reviews about the course but a few days prior to going for it, I came across a negative review from a blog about the course and naturally, me being me, will feel a little apprehensive if I've chosen the right course. But everything has already been booked and paid for, and I decided to just go with the majority who loved it and think positive about the whole thing. Taknak lah kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga (if the peribahasa even kena with whatever I was trying to say haha but you get what I mean).

Let's just say, after the 2 full-day course (amidst the sleepiness - pardon us please.. not used to a FULL-DAY course, scratch that, 2 FULL-DAYS on a WEEKEND), I AM SO GLAD HTB enjoyed it & learnt so much from it as much as I did. ALHAMDULILLAH. That was the most important thing. That we were on the same wave-length on it. Haha. This worry-wart kept looking over & checking if he was laughing at the jokes as much as I was, or listening attentively like I was or taking down notes like I was. Paranoid level over 9000 I tell you. Lol..

Yup, it was all good in the end. My favourite part has to be the exchange of books with each other. Hehehe.. Learnt loads about each other during the 2 days course from the exchanges, alhamdulillah and that was what I wanted and we managed to achieve - to understand one another. But my favouritest part was the writing of love note to one another. HTB is not a romantic person naturally, but he always managed to wow me over with his words. He has a way with words definitely. Almost cried reading his love note, but of course must MAINTAIN in front of the other couples. Hee~

All in all, I would definitely recommend this course to other couples. Just go with an open mind and you will definitely learn something from it, insyaAllah. :)

Now, we are one more step closer to getting married. Certificate obtained. Woo!

Monday 17 June 2013

Start of sleepless nights?

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams."

- Dr. Seuss -

Not able to fall sleep since coming back from the wedding exhibition.
Mind so full of (different kinds of) plans! Haha.
And soooo many vendors to choose from, I don't know where to start.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Discussion numero uno

So yesterday, the same day I posted my 1st entry, we actually discussed a bit on what will be happening at our wedding over some delicious food at Siam Kitchen. Oh boy, let me tell you, it wasn't too pretty. But it wasn't that ugly either. All in good fun (but full of seriousness of course), as we agree to disagree. :)

Take away from yesterday's discussion was, husband-to-be can be very firm when he wants certain things to happen. And here I thought I will be able to plan it according to my tastes & liking (read: control freak) LOL. I was glad that this happened during our first discussion. At least it keeps me aware of the things he likes and dislikes as well as his preferences so that I can keep it all in mind when we have our next discussion.

Because it was the first one, and because the discussion was kinda impromptu, it ended as soon as it started. Ahakz. And also, because we have a movie to watch.

Our next discussion, will for sure be on Sunday (tomorrow!) as we have a wedding exhibition at Expo to attend. Can't wait! Nervous too (not sure why, as it's JUST a showcase of bridal vendors). So drama, as always. So we shall see where that discussion leads to next.

Till then, toodles!

Friday 14 June 2013

Leap of faith

Oh, hi.

This one was started partly due to the fact that I was browsing through wedding ideas & vendors (amidst nursing the mild panic that I have thinking that 2014 is just 6 months away) online. Stumbled across a few wedding blogs and crossed my mind that I should have one. Partly to chronicle my, i mean, me & husband-to-be's journey, and partly too, for someone who can't keep everything inside, I need a place where I can verbalise my thoughts (without offending any of my loved ones because if I were to start talking about my wedding plans to any of them, I might not stop) hence here I am.

Thank you blogger, for allowing multiple blogs to be created with just one account. Saved the hassle of finding a different domain, and creating a new account, and oh you get my drift. Yes, there are other domains with such convenience too, but I've been with blogger since forever. (You can see how I love my comfort zone, yes? ;p)

So the idea thrown by husband-to-be is that our marriage will be in June. That threw me off a bit, because I had a whole different plan altogether (in my head at least.. if you were to see my pinterest, it's worse haha) and June 2014 is definitely not that far away now (this also explains the mild panic). I mean who wouldn't want a very nice wedding for one self. But at the same time, I'm happy for it to be a simple one. Dilemma, dilemma.

Now you know why I need this outlet. Teehee.

May this leap of faith we're taking be a blessed one, InsyaAllah.

Your prayers are most welcomed and appreciated. :)

Till my next (mild panic) rant.
