Saturday 15 June 2013

Discussion numero uno

So yesterday, the same day I posted my 1st entry, we actually discussed a bit on what will be happening at our wedding over some delicious food at Siam Kitchen. Oh boy, let me tell you, it wasn't too pretty. But it wasn't that ugly either. All in good fun (but full of seriousness of course), as we agree to disagree. :)

Take away from yesterday's discussion was, husband-to-be can be very firm when he wants certain things to happen. And here I thought I will be able to plan it according to my tastes & liking (read: control freak) LOL. I was glad that this happened during our first discussion. At least it keeps me aware of the things he likes and dislikes as well as his preferences so that I can keep it all in mind when we have our next discussion.

Because it was the first one, and because the discussion was kinda impromptu, it ended as soon as it started. Ahakz. And also, because we have a movie to watch.

Our next discussion, will for sure be on Sunday (tomorrow!) as we have a wedding exhibition at Expo to attend. Can't wait! Nervous too (not sure why, as it's JUST a showcase of bridal vendors). So drama, as always. So we shall see where that discussion leads to next.

Till then, toodles!

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